The Importance of Mobile Websites

With the rise and adoption of smart phones and other mobile devices, the power of the Internet has left homes and offices and has followed your customers into the world. As adoption continues to grow, your customers will expect to find more of the information they need while on the go.
Since 1) the real estate available on a mobile device is more limited than on a computer monitor and 2) the ways that users navigate on a digital device are different than on a computer, its natural that websites optimized for a computer experience will not suffice on a mobile device. For this reason, websites optimized for the mobile experience are becoming more and more important.

Mobile Websites Explained

The first and most important step in the process is to evaluate what types of interaction will be most suitable for your mobile customer. The choices of the types of information to display and the types of interaction to support are very dependent on the industry and the specific company. Second, a mobile website is custom crafted to house the content and support the desired interaction. While mobile website development requires a unique set of skills, the process is similar to developing a website for use by computers. 

Choosing a Mobile Website Provider

A mobile website provider is instrumental in helping to craft the mobile website design. In addition to understanding the complexity of developing a mobile website and applying this to the design, the provider must understand the desired customer interactions that lead to increased sales leads and higher customer retention and satisfaction.
NetEdge Marketing’s years of experience in traditional website design and search engine optimization is regularly leveraged during the design and successful deployment of mobile websites. Be wary of one-size-fits-all mobile website providers since they are usually lacking the critical marketing experience necessary to achieve the intended results.