The Importance of Website Development

For many companies in a vast majority of industries, a website is a crucial business asset. For some companies it generates sales leads. For others, it establishes brand identity. And for others it maintains customer interest and post-sales satisfaction, to name a few. The difference between a website that performs well against its required objectives and one that fails miserably is the choice of website developer.

Website Development Explained

As in many things, the 80/20 rule applies to website development. 80% of the value of a website is generated during its design while only 20% results from actually coding and hosting it. Proper website design takes a number of business and market-specific things into account including:

  • The business function the website will perform (e.g. generate sales leads)
  • The type of visitors the website is expected to attract
  • The market segment to address (e.g. local, regional, national)
  • The technology choices to allow the website to be most easily maintained and kept relevant
  • The desired action visitors will take on the site and the techniques to improve the chance they will take these actions (e.g. sales conversions)

Choosing a Website Developer

A website developer must work with businesses to understand the target market and business implications of the website design. Since companies are unique, the websites that represent them must be equally unique. Be wary of cookie-cutter website development companies. While the websites they develop will likely be inexpensive, they will surely fail to fulfill their intended purposes.
NetEdge Marketing’s website design teams have a proven track record of quality and client satisfaction. We have a network of designers, graphic artists, and developers across the world that are trained in the very latest in website technology. Our portfolio and case studies demonstrate our unique capability to address key customer objectives.